Fingenious® – Your gateway to Finnish biobanks and biomedical research
We provide expert services as well as a seamless and secure access to samples and data from Finnish public biobanks. We help you to find study participants for your clinical trials.
Access data from all public biobanks in Finland
The Fingenious® Service aims to advance your biomedical research by speeding up the search and compilation of relevant data. We serve both academic and industry researchers.
With the Fingenious Service, you will only have one contract and one service provider but still have access to data from all the public biobanks in Finland. The service is managed by Finnish Biobank Cooperative – FINBB.
Fingenious offers more
We provide researchers with a one-access service for availability, feasibility, and access requests, research coordination, and contract services. In clinical trials, the role of the Fingenious Service is to help you find study subjects. We also help you to choose the right partners for your research.
Reach all public biobanks in Finland with a centralized feasibility and access request and one contract.
Fingenious Service provides an easy way to access Finnish public biobanking specimen.
We enable you to find the right patient for the study with the help of a unique recall service.
Fingenious Service saves researchers time and resources by automating and standardizing searches of Finnish biobank data. Working with us speeds up the search and compilation of materials and data.
ICD-10 Catalogue | Cohorts | Sketch your study faster
FINBB provides visibility to Finnish biobank data repositories' offerings and helps you to find samples, data, and patients for your research projects via Fingenious Availability services.
Feasibility request | Access request
Plan your study smarter with less effort and wide outreach
Start your study with less paperwork
Are you planning to conduct a feasibility request, or would you like to gain access to Finnish biobanks’ samples, data, and study participants? Discover Finnish biobank materials at aggregate-level under Fingenious® Catalogue and Cohorts. By registering, you can submit a feasibility request for more detailed information about the sample and data availability.
Find your study participants | Collect patient-reported outcomes
Are you searching for study participants for your research? With the Recruit service, you can make a feasibility search and then use the Recruit and MyBiobanks services. The services will assist you in patient recruitment and collecting patient-reported outcomes.
Contact us
We're ready to support you in your biomedical research efforts. Contact us now and we'll be in touch with you at the earliest opportunity.