
From Target Discovery to Precision Medicine – the Unique Potential of Finnish Biobanks in Biomedical Research, 30 September 2024

May 16, 2024

Join us for an insightful dive into biomedical research in collaboration with Finnish biobanks! 

The symposium brings together professionals from pharma, biotech, and academia from all over the world and offers a spectrum of real-life cases in neurology, immunology, oncology, ophthalmology, and rare diseases.  

With examples spanning from target discovery to personalized medicine in action, cases presented by international-level experts elucidate the research opportunities that Finnish biobanks and the unique genetic heritage of Finns offer.

ONLINE: 17:30–20:15 (EET) • 4.30pm–7.15pm (CET) • 11.30am–2.15pm (ET, US)

ON-SITE: 17:30–20:15 (EET) & cocktail event (Hilton Helsinki Kalastajatorppa, Siirtomaasali)

You are warmly welcome online or in person!

Symposium Invitation and Programme


(shown in Eastern European time, EET)

17:30 – Welcome and opening words by the Chairman (Timo Veromaa, Professor of Practice, University of Turku)

17:40 – Biobanks and yet undiscovered Finnish disease heritage – a treasure trove? (Mikko Seppänen, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Chief Physician, HUS Rare Diseases Center)

18:00 – Characterising rare Complement Factor I genetic variants in Finnish dry AMD
to support clinical development of retinal gene therapy, a FINBB research collaboration with Gyroscope Therapeutics, a Novartis company
(Amy Jones, Director of Clinical Genetics, Gyroscope Therapeutics)

18:40 – Studies in motor neuron disease ALS and multiple sclerosis (Pentti Tienari, Professor of Neuroimmunology, Chief Neurologist, Helsinki University Hospital)

19:05 – Implementing precision oncology: Role of big data and biobanks (Kimmo Porkka, Professor of Personalized Cancer Medicine, iCAN Digital Precision Cancer Medicine Flagship, University of Helsinki, and Chief Physician, Helsinki University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center)

19:25 – Lifetime Cost-Effectiveness of Breast and Ovarian Cancer Prevention among
Biobank Sample Donors with Hereditary BRCA1, BRCA2, or PALB2 Mutations
(Erkki Soini, CEO, ESiOR Oy and Chairman of the Board, Kuopio Health)

19:45 – Fingenious® - Your Gateway to Finnish Biobanks and Biomedical Research (Johanna Mäkelä, PhD, Director of Research and Services, FINBB – Finnish Biobanks)

20:05 – Discussion and closing words by the Chairman (Timo Veromaa, Professor of Practice, University of Turku)

20:15 – On-site: Networking and buffet

The symposium is organized by Finnish Biobank Cooperative – FINBB and Fingenious® that serves as your digital gateway to all ​public biobanks in Finland for biospecimen, data and study participant finding.